Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 15-18

For the rest of the month, the students are going to learn about fall, pumpkins, and apples.  We are also going to complete some Halloween themed projects, sing songs and read books about this fun holiday. The Tuesday class read both of the books pictured below and today's class read "Big Pumpkin".  Go to the books tap to find the book on tape version of "Big Pumpkin" on Youtube.

The Tuesday class dipped pumpkin cookie cutters in orange and white paint to make a pumpkin picture.

This weeks letter of the week is F.  The students are making a flower out of the letter.

Do you remember the picture of the pumpkins and the ear of Indian Corn?  Yesterday, we talked about how pumpkin plants and other plants grow.  The students were able to tell me plants need sun, water, and air to grow.  One student even said plants need love to grow! :)  I took the ear of corn and placed it in a container filled with water and sat it in the window sill.  The students will watch the corn over the next few weeks to see what will happen.  Many have predicted the corn will "grow".  

Here is a picture of our corn. We are hopping it will grow! :) I will keep you up dated!

Here is the link to Things to Share and Remember.  This teacher completed the experiement and posted the results.  I hope ours is this good!

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