Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Songs with and without words

 We’ve been learning about songs with words, songs without words, and songs that sound similar to other songs we already know.  We were able to incorporate this into our superhero theme for the beginning of the school year.  We read the book “Spiderman Spiderman” and also listened to the classic song form the TV show.

The book  came with the CD that featured the Spiderman song from the classic 1960s TV show with words as well as a second version that was only the music with no words.

We also listened to the arrangement of the same song by composer Michael Giacchino for the current Spiderman movies .  The students enjoyed listening to the different versions of the song!

Candy corn

Can’t believe October is almost here!  I have to decorate the large bulletin board by the office for the month of October so we made candy corn projects today.  They are adorable!

Saturday, September 14, 2019


I am adding movement cards to the hallway walls for students to use who need a break. The movement pictures are up now and I’m working on getting the relax and mood posters on the walls too.

Mirror wall

We created a mirror wall in the long hallway. The title is “Look at our future!” The mirrors a low so each of the kids can look in the mirrors and pictures of different careers are on the wall.

Fair display