Friday, November 1, 2013


The students participated in several learning activities today.  This morning, the students colored a hay wagon paper.  By doing so, they practiced their coloring skills, strengthened their fine motor skills, and reviewed the colors.  Later in the afternoon, they ripped up sheets of yellow paper to make "hay" and glued them to the wagon  to make a hay wagon.  This led to a great discussion and students were talking about taking a ride in a hay wagon.

The last two weeks, we have been reading the story "5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate" and learning the motions for the finger play.  The students created a fun picture of five pumpkins sitting on a gate.  The projects were very cute!

Ours look similar to these!

I found the project on Pinterest! During this project, they practiced gluing skills, counting skills, and direction following skills.

Both classes had the chance to work on the computer this week.  I sat down with small groups of students and showed them how to use the computer and work the mouse.  We played educational games on  The games focused on decision making skills, counting, and using fine motor skills to move the mouse and click the button.  Today's class also read and discussed a digital copy of "My Big World with Clifford" from Scholastic.  We talked about fall, signs of fall, counted to five, number identification, color identification, and reviewed the life cycle of a pumpkin.  Keep looking back for pictures!

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